Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chapter 3 Personal Billboards revised

Determined to get there serves as a personal billboard for my life. Becoming a mom at a young age has given me determination to succeed beyond people's expectations. I want to prove to everyone that I can still accomplish my goals in life. Since having Mason, I have graduated high school and am attending college. Mason has changed my life in so many ways. I want my son to be proud of me. I want my son to have all the opportunities in the world. I want my son to have a mom who graduated college. I want my son to live comfortably and happily. My hopes and dreams for Mason have given me the determination to get there!

I think that personal billboards are valuable in society. They have the power to change views, beliefs, and stances on issues. In my situation, I believe that my personal billboard and reasoning behind it has the power to change societies perception of unplanned pregnancies. Yes, I am a teen mom. No, I didn't drop out of school and no, I don't live on welfare. Societies perception of the roles in which a teen mom's status holds are not always true.

I chose to add this image as a personal billboard of mine because summer is my favorite time of year. During the summer I feel happy and free even if I am working and in school. I love spending time outside playing during the day and relaxing by a fire at night. 

I love this picture because it takes an even more optimistic view on life. I am an optimistic person and try to see the best in every situation. I have found that being positive is the only way to live a happy and fulfilled life :)

I love Caribou Coffee's saying, "life is short stay awake for it!" I have an addiction to coffee, especially Caribou Coffee! This slogan fits my life perfectly. I love coffee, and am a busy single mother and full time student. If it wasn't for coffee, I wouldn't have made it :)


  1. Your license plate doesn't show. Did you save it as a jpg and then add it as an image?

    This is a good start, but a stronger response would be far more developed in terms of other areas of your life, your interests, what's important to you, etc.

    Be sure to proof your work (e.g., "Societies perception" should be "Society's perception").


  2. I like your billboard which talks about your motherhood. I can also see how much you want to be a strong woman and mother for your kid. I hope you succeed in graduating college and keep living you life positively and happily. However, it would have been better if you described it with more details and wrote a couple of more billboards of yours.

  3. I really love how you have applied your experience as a mother to your billboard. This is such an inspiring post. I personally think that this image speaks for itself. I think that you have defiantly shown how a billboard speaks for the individual, and affects society through the message that is conveyed. Sure, you could give more examples, but great connection!
